While giving a bouquet of flowers to your loved ones, adding a basket of chocolate completes it as a perfect gift for any occasion. This is especially an ideal gift for chocolate lovers. When they will see different kinds of chocolate within a single basket along with the bouquet of flowers, they will simply love your choice.
Have a look below to apply different ideas of gift baskets while sending your loved ones flowers and chocolates:
Choose a Gift Container
To fill your gift basket with everything nice, a gift box is the first thing you should buy. Choose one in which you can keep a lot of items. You can also look for decorative tins from a gift shop. They are available in numerous craft shops. If you want to use your creativity, then simply purchase a tin and decorate it in your own artistic style.
Another way to fill the gift basket is to purchase a lot of small tins from a gift shop. These tins are useful for presenting different types of chocolates in small proportions to the receiver. Once you have filled them, all you need to do is to fit them in the basket with a bow.
Buy Different Chocolate Items
Though chocolate gift baskets normally contain similar chocolate gifts, you can go for something better and unique. For instance, a hot chocolate mix with new mugs will look good. If the gift basket has more space left, you can also include a small teapot. This will be a perfect package of chocolate gift for those who like chocolate drinks.
Brownie mix is another option to decorate the gift basket with. When you go for the variety, you will find different kinds of brownie mixes such as plain, mixed, and caramel.
Chocolate Gift Certificate
Though including chocolate candies in the gift basket is a traditional form of sending gifts, its charm never ends! So, you can include those chocolate candies in the gift bag too. Similarly, if you want the receiver to choose chocolates according to his/her own choice, then you can buy a gift certificate. This way, chocolate lovers can pick the chocolates they like the best.
Plastic Spoons Coated With Chocolate!
Different coffee shops serve their guests with plastic spoons which are covered with chocolate coating. When you stir coffee, the chocolate melts in the coffee and gives an aromatic chocolate taste. If you plan to add coffee in the gift basket, giving plastic spoons coated with chocolate will delight the receiver.
For more information regarding flower delivery cape town and Florists in Cape Town visit thecapetownflorist.co.za
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ava_Taylor_Williams
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7327822
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Gift Basket Ideas for Chocolate Lovers
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9:44 AM
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