While giving a bouquet of flowers to your loved ones, adding a basket of chocolate completes it as a perfect gift for any occasion. This is especially an ideal gift for chocolate lovers. When they will see different kinds of chocolate within a single basket along with the bouquet of flowers, they will simply love your choice.
Have a look below to apply different ideas of gift baskets while sending your loved ones flowers and chocolates:
Choose a Gift Container
To fill your gift basket with everything nice, a gift box is the first thing you should buy. Choose one in which you can keep a lot of items. You can also look for decorative tins from a gift shop. They are available in numerous craft shops. If you want to use your creativity, then simply purchase a tin and decorate it in your own artistic style.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Gift Basket Ideas for Chocolate Lovers
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9:44 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Like Dark Chocolate?
Dark chocolate is a great substitute for other sweet treats that are full of sugar and contain little in terms of nutritional benefit. This type of chocolate is actually good for you and can compete with super food vegetables such as broccoli. Hard to believe isn't it? But it is true and science backs it up.
Studies have shown that it is high in antioxidants and we know that these are the fighters that prevent free radicals from wreaking havoc on our bodies. It has also shown an effect on the brain and memory. There are studies that have clearly found a correlation between eating this sweet treat and improved retention of information. Just think of it as a great snack before you write that exam you have been cramming for!
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9:27 AM
Label: Like Dark Chocolate?
Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Recipe
So I had to find a way to have my cake and bake it too. This is not only a gluten free cake recipe but is also is sugar-free, dairy-free and uses organic ingredients. So whether you are a celiac, diabetics, lactose intolerant or just not wanting to have your thighs be as jiggly this is the chocolate cake to dive into.
I also have been cooking with some of the Healing Gourmet's desserts written by Kelley Herring. She is the Editor of Eat to Fight Cancer, Eat to Beat Diabetes, Eat to Lower Cholesterol and Eat to Boost Fertility. At the Healing Gourmet, Kelley Herring gives some great tips, suggestions and recipes on how to cook without gluten and often times without dairy.
Recipe for Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
Yield: 12 slices
Start to Finish: 1.5 hours
Nutrition Snapshot: 134 calories, 0 grams sugar, 3 grams fiber, 5 grams protein, 4 net carbs per serving
Preferences: Gluten Free, Dairy Free; Good Source of Fiber, Selenium, Copper, Phosphorous Ingredients
5 large pastured eggs
1 Tbsp. organic vanilla extract • 3/4 cup organic erythritol
8 Tbsp. organic cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 can Eden Organic Black Beans
1/2 tsp. Celtic sea salt
1 tsp. aluminum-free baking powder
1/2 tsp. stevia extract
6 Tbsp. organic virgin coconut oil Preparation
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9:26 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Eating Sugar Free Chocolate
The consumption of chocolate and chocolate products has increased. This is due to the love that all people have attached to these products. The products are liked not only by the kids, but also by the adults. In fact, they are used by lovers as gifts, since ladies' love for them cannot be measured. Their unique taste that is not found in other products has also increased their popularity.
Chocolates are available in many different flavors and tastes. The mode of preparation may also differ from one person to another. Every individual has the brand that he or she considers to be the best. But the common practice amongst all is the trend to love the chocolate that is free of sugar. The brands that contain minimal or no amounts of sugar are bought in high levels and by many. This has been associated with the harmful effects that the sugary chocolates may have on the health of the consumer.
Diposting oleh
7:58 AM
Label: Eating Sugar Free Chocolate
What Is Caffeinated Chocolate?
Chocolate is a popular food among all generations especially the kids and the young adults. It is loved by all due to its sweet taste along other health benefits that are derived from its consumption. Many of the consumers wonder if chocolate has caffeine and if yes, what the amount is. This article explores the presence or absence of caffeine in chocolate and also the benefits or harms that this can cause.
One of the major ingredients in making chocolate is cocoa that is known to contain some little amounts of caffeine in its seed. The caffeine present in the cocoa seed will range from 0.1% to 0.7% depending on how the conditions the cocoa plant was grown in. Therefore the amount of caffeine will differ depending on what proportion was used when making the chocolate. High percentage of cocoa will lead to higher percentages of caffeine.
There are many popular flavors available in the market. Some of the most common ones include white, dark and milk chocolate. Of these three, the dark chocolate contains most amount of cocoa used as ingredient. The percentage is almost 40% of cocoa beans and therefore it contains a higher amount of caffeine than the other two. The white chocolate contains a higher percentage than the milk chocolate. Therefore depending on the amount of caffeine your body needs you can choose the appropriate kind of chocolate.
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7:56 AM
Monday, October 1, 2012
Carpet Cleaning Tips for Chocolate Spills
Chocolate is one of the most delicious food items that you eat almost every day. But, you may not feel as good as the taste of the chocolate if chocolates spill on your valuable carpets. Though it seems strange enough but in reality, almost every carpet owners report of chocolate spills on their carpets. But, the question that is asked next is how to remove the chocolate spills from pricey carpets and rugs. However, following is a list of tips that will give you a detailed knowledge of what to do is chocolate creates stains on your carpet.
Chocolates are neither dry not wet. Therefore, if chocolates spill on your carpet, you should primarily take a white soft towel to remove the stains immediately. Waiting for a long time will help the fabrics absorb the chocolate stains which will make the removal process even harder. You can use some paper napkins as well.
Once the stains are partially removed, take a piece of ice and rub it on the stain. This will help the chocolate become harder. Do not forget that, chocolates start melting if they are heated. However, you can also use a sharp knife and remove as much of the chocolate particles as possible.
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9:04 AM